“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest"- Jesus. Matthew 11:28

March 09, 2010


Materials needed are:
1. Floral tubes
2. String
3. Thread
4. Green floral tape
5. Artificial pollen
6. Floral stem

Cut the string and the floral tube to a desired length and form them into petals with the thread.

Cut the floral stem to desired length and cover it with the floral tape after adding the artificial pollen on to it. You will get something like shown in the picture.

Now add the petals one by one to the stem. You get the flower.Then cover the stem again with the floral tape.

You can also add leaves if you want. Floral tubes are available in different colours.This craft is even ideal for children if you wish to teach them. These make simple but sweet home decor. Hope you enjoy making them