These photos were taken by me when I was at home. This is near our apartment were we stayed when we were in the United States. Since I was a home maker at that time I used to enjoy nature whenever I had time
In Winter
Early Spring
Flowers starting to bloom
Spring-the tree in full bloom
Its flowers for a closer view
This transition of the tree reminds us of the great love God has for His own children. There may be hard times in our lives. but our loving God has everything assigned for due seasons.These seasons remind us that God is in control.These beautiful flowers remind us of His unfailing love for us that can change anything, any hard situation,any thing you can name....Let us be thankful for everything! Let us continue the good work, in due season we will reap the harvest.. Amen!!
Another tree's transition
Cherry Blossom tree
Let the fields of the crops burst out with joy!
Let the trees of the forest rustle with praise
before the Lord, for He is coming!
Psalm 96:12,13
My small sweet Indoor Garden:)
Miniature Rose Plant